Case Study: Five Year Maintenance & Repair Contract, Land-Based Wells for U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (Operator: Fluor Federal Petroleum Operations), Exposed Casing In Concrete Sump Creates Hot Spot For Corrosion, MADCON SCR Process For Corrosion Protection And Casing Reinforcement. (Patent Protected)
In 1999, MADCON was contacted by a major international oil & gas operator to develop a structural repair method for severely corroded or damaged conductors & well casings. The first installation was on the conductors below in the year 2000. Williams Williams2020-06-07 19:11:142020-09-03 00:37:17Conductor Repairs - 19 Years in Service
Parted Conductor, Corroded/missing section surface casing, Production casing reinforced with carbon fiber, MADCON SCR Process Type 4 Bonded Sleeve Employed for Structural Repair (Patent Protected).
Land Based Well Casing Repairs & Maintenance
Conductor & Well Casing RepairsCase Study: Five Year Maintenance & Repair Contract, Land-Based Wells for U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (Operator: Fluor Federal Petroleum Operations), Exposed Casing In Concrete Sump Creates Hot Spot For Corrosion, MADCON SCR Process For Corrosion Protection And Casing Reinforcement. (Patent Protected)
Conductor Repairs – 19 Years in Service
Conductor & Well Casing Repairs, CorrosionIn 1999, MADCON was contacted by a major international oil & gas operator to develop a structural repair method for severely corroded or damaged conductors & well casings. The first installation was on the conductors below in the year 2000.
Splash Zone Corrosion
CorrosionSplash Zone Repairs/Corrosion Protection – MADCON SCR System- Type I Repair Patented & Proprietary
Parted Conductor Repair & Strengthening
Conductor & Well Casing RepairsParted Conductor, Corroded/missing section surface casing, Production casing reinforced with carbon fiber, MADCON SCR Process Type 4 Bonded Sleeve Employed for Structural Repair (Patent Protected).